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Maximizing Your Author Revenue Stream
About SkipJack Publishing's Online Courses (6:34)
About the Instructor (4:24)
Introduction/Logistics for Maximizing Your Author Stream (2:39)
Your Publishing Business (13:28)
No Runny, Buggy Ketchup (12:58)
Focus on the 5Rs (7:27)
The Basics of Maximizing Your Author Revenue Stream
It starts with ebook sales. (3:32)
It continues with ebook subscription. (5:35)
Paperbacks start with CreateSpace. (7:40)
Nook Press does paperbacks now, too. (7:30)
And hardbacks! (3:28)
Don't skip audiobooks. (12:36)
Translations are accessible. (4:04)
Augment with speaking . . . (9:39)
Consulting . . . (4:17)
And products. (3:11)
Pro Tips for Optimizing Monetization
Pro tip #1 (4:53)
Pro tip #2 (3:00)
Pro tip #3 (3:58)
Pro tip #4 (4:44)
Pro tip #5 (2:34)
Pro tip #6 (1:00)
Pro tip #7 (0:23)
Pro tip #8 (2:41)
Pro tip #9 (1:01)
Pro tip #10 (0:55)
Bonus pro tip #11 (3:30)
What's working out there in your "real world?"
If you remember nothing else, remember this.
Bonus Materials
Print on Demand Strategy: Where Does Nook Press Print Platform Fit In?
PressBooks vs Scrivener: Options to Create Book Interiors
Publishing Goals
Publishing Budget (Sample)
Editorial Calendar (Sample)
Pro tip #4
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